masters degree abroad

When I first considered taking a master’s degree abroad, I was overwhelmed with both excitement and worry. The prospect of immersing myself in a new culture, improving my academic knowledge, and broadening my professional network was exciting. However, the challenges appeared formidable. Throughout my adventure, I uncovered not only the well-known benefits but also the hidden jewels that many websites fail to mention. Allow me to offer my experience, complete with statistics and thoughts, to assist you obtain a master’s degree abroad.

The Benefits of a Master’s Degree Abroad

#1. Increased Career Opportunities

The employment benefits of earning a master’s degree abroad are significant. According to an Institute of International Education poll, 90% of students who studied abroad said their experiences had a beneficial impact on their future careers. Employers recognize the different talents and views developed through overseas schooling.
During my master’s program in the United Kingdom, I interned for a major global corporation. This experience not only improved my résumé but also equipped me with practical skills and a global perspective that were extremely useful during job interviews.

#2. Different Academic Experience

Studying abroad exposes you to a variety of academic settings and instructional techniques. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programs, for example, provide a one-of-a-kind opportunity to study in numerous countries while learning about other academic perspectives and techniques. According to the European Commission, students in this program frequently see considerable improvements in academic achievement and research possibilities.

While studying in Germany, I had access to cutting-edge research facilities and was able to engage with leading researchers in my field. This greatly improved my academic experience and opened the door to future research opportunities.

#3. Personal and Cultural Development

Living in a different place requires you to adapt and develop yourself. According to the Global Education Research Reports, pupils who study abroad report a 96% rise in self-esteem and a 95% increase in maturity.
My experience in Japan was transformative. Navigating a new culture and language was difficult, but it taught me perseverance and adaptivity. I returned home with renewed confidence and a greater understanding of cultural diversity.

Top 10 Master’s Degrees Students Can Study Abroad

Here is a list of the top ten most popular Master’s degrees that people study abroad.

#1. Master of Management and Leadership

Management, Organisation, and Leadership appear to be the most popular discipline among international students, indicating that competitiveness and leadership remain important values. Programs in this subject area will enable you to identify the competitive advantage that any firm requires to achieve its objectives.

Popular international locations for this degree are:

  • Master of Management in Germany
  • Masters of Management in the UK
  • Master of Management in France

#2. Masters in Computer Science

Isn’t this surprising? Well, not really. Nowadays, everything is digital, viral, or otherwise uninteresting. As a result, most overseas students understand that a degree in computer science can lead to a career in any business. Some of the nations with the most Masters in Computer Science that you could consider for your study abroad experience include:

  • Masters in Computer Science in the United States
  • Masters in Computer Science in the Netherlands.
  • Master of Computer Sciences in Finland.

#3. Master of Business Administration (MBAs)

Ah, MBA degrees! The holy grail of any business-minded student looking to succeed in today’s environment. Business Administration is the third most popular topic of study, and it will prepare you to manage a company’s performance and make major decisions regarding business plans. Consider pursuing an MBA degree in nations like:


  • Australian MBA Degrees
  • Danish MBA Degrees
  • Spain’s MBA Degree

#4. Master of International Relations

A single word explains it all. Globalisation. We live in an interconnected world, and our future is dependent on how we manage our relationships with foreign businesses, countries, and international organizations.

Masters in International Relations are popular among international students because they provide a comprehensive understanding of how political systems interact and how they affect society and politics. Additionally, International Relations degrees prepare students for coveted professions in government, diplomacy, and non-governmental organizations. If you aspire to become a political superhero, keep an eye on study programs in the following countries:

  • Masters of International Relations in Germany.
  • Master of International Relations in Belgium
  • Master of International Relations in France.
  • Masters in International Relations in the United States

#5. Masters of Economics

Masters of Economics programs focus on studying how and why civilizations become affluent. This topic is popular among overseas students since it offers a variety of professional possibilities, including business, research, public administration, and even teaching. Where should you apply for an economics degree abroad? Explore your possibilities in popular student destinations such as:

  • Master of Economics in Canada
  • Masters of Economics in the UK
  • Master of Economics in the Netherlands
  • Masters of Economics in Lithuania

#6. Masters of Psychology

The human mind is likely the greatest riddle yet to be solved. This discipline, which ranks sixth among international students, appeals to them since it provides the opportunity to be a part of a burgeoning science while also helping others. Go-to countries for a degree in psychology include:

  • Masters in Psychology in the United States
  • Master of Psychology in Norway
  • Masters of Psychology in the Netherlands.
  • Master of Psychology in Ireland

#7. Masters of International Business

Returning to business. Business-related disciplines appear to be the most popular among international students. International business, ranked seventh on our list, is a popular degree as more businesses expand globally.
Understanding how to turn a firm into an international success or develop interactions with overseas business partners is always valuable in today’s economy. Become a professional in this sector with degrees from nations such as:

  • Masters of International Business in the UK
  • Master of International Business in Germany.
  • Masters of International Business in China.
  • Masters of International Business in Italy.

#8. Master’s Degree in Biology

Biology degrees remain popular with international students. Millions of species remain to be discovered, as well as innumerable cures and therapies that can be developed using biology. The majority of English-taught Master’s degrees in biology are offered in countries such as;


  • Master of Biology in Canada
  • Master of Biology in Norway
  • Masters of Biology in Sweden
  • Masters of Biology in the UK

#9. Masters of Engineering and Technology

International students at Studyportals are also particularly interested in Engineering degrees. Engineering, like computer science, is a defining and crucial industry in our world. It prepares you to ensure that all of the equipment and devices on which society relies every day function properly and improve. Apply for Engineering & Technology in renowned destinations such as:

  • Master of Engineering in Turkey
  • Masters of Engineering in Germany.
  • Master of Engineering in Russia
  • Masters of Engineering in the Czech Republic.

#10. Master of Health Sciences

Saving and improving people’s lives is always a good decision. Health Sciences degrees, which rank tenth among the most popular study disciplines on StudyPortals, prepare you to conduct lab research, examine diseases, discover novel remedies, and care for patients in clinical settings.
Consider applying for a degree in health science abroad in:

  • Masters of Health Sciences in Canada.
  • Masters of Health Sciences in the UK
  • Master of Health Sciences in Sweden
  • Master of Health Sciences in Spain

Finding Top Master’s Degree Programs Abroad

#1. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

Duration: 1-2 years

This program provides grants for students pursuing combined master’s degrees at different European universities. It encourages international cooperation and mobility by enabling students to study in at least two different countries.

Unique Insights:

  • Diverse Academic Exposure: Studying in multiple countries exposes students to diverse academic ideas and techniques.
  • Networking Opportunities: Students form wide networks of peers and professionals throughout Europe.

#2. Fulbright Foreign Student Program

Duration: Varies by country.

This US government-sponsored program offers grants to international students pursuing graduate study or research in the United States. It includes tuition, living expenses, and travel expenditures.

Unique Insights:

  • Offers comprehensive support, including orientation workshops and cultural exchange activities.
  • Alumni Network: Fulbright alumni include Nobel laureates, chiefs of state, and other well-known people.

#3. DAAD Scholarships

Duration: Varies by program.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides a variety of scholarships for overseas students to study in Germany. These scholarships include tuition, living expenses, and transportation fees.

Unique Insights:

  • Germany is known for its scientific excellence and academic rigor.
  • Cultural Integration: The DAAD encourages students to immerse themselves in German culture and language.

#4. Chevening Scholarships

Duration: One year

The UK government funds Chevening Scholarships, which cover tuition, living expenses, and travel fees for a one-year master’s program. The selection process is highly competitive, with a focus on leadership potential and academic proficiency.

Unique Insights:

  • Networking Opportunities: Chevening scholars get access to a diverse professional network.
  • Alumni Success Stories: Many Chevening alumni have gone on to make significant contributions to their communities and businesses.

How to Increase Your Chances of Securing a Scholarship

Obtaining a scholarship for a master’s degree abroad necessitates thorough preparation and smart strategy. Here are a few tips to help you succeed:

#1. Identify Your Goals

Determine what you hope to achieve with your master’s degree. Are you seeking academic enrichment, professional advancement, cultural immersion, or personal development?

#2. Research programs

Investigate numerous programs to see whether they are compatible with your goals. Look for programs with excellent academic standing, comprehensive support services, and opportunities for cultural immersion.

#3. Prepare your application

Gather all relevant papers, including transcripts, recommendation letters, and personal statements. Customize your application to show how the program fits with your goals and how you can contribute to it.

#4. Utilize Personal Networks

Contact former scholarship recipients and mentors for guidance and input on your application. Their observations can provide helpful advice and increase your chances of success.

#5. Use a Scholarship Application Template

Using a scholarship application template can make the process easier. It helps to ensure that you include all relevant information and present it in a clear, structured manner.
To make your application process easier, I’ve produced a Scholarship Application Template. This template will walk you through the procedures and ensure that you include all important information, helping your application stand out.

How To Choose The Best Master’s Degree

The following factors can help you determine the duration of the course:

#1. Research or teaching

A taught degree, such as an MA or M.Sc., typically takes a year to complete full-time, including courses, exams, and a dissertation. However, if you opt to pursue a research degree (such as an MRes or an MPhil), it may take more than a year because you will be conducting original research, but it is normally estimated to take one to two years.

#2. Course Selection

Courses in the arts, humanities, and sciences will typically last one year. In other cases, such as the Social Work MA, the timeframe can be around two years to accommodate the work experience and vocational aspects of the course.

#3. Full-time or part-time

A full-time master’s degree will take the shortest time, one year. Part-time degrees have varying durations based on how long you have to complete the program at each university.

#4. Distance learning

Distance learning involves the addition of many other elements that determine the time duration. For example, at an Open University, you have ten years to finish the requisite credits, which is presently the longest method to get into a master’s program.


Pursuing a master’s degree abroad is a transforming experience that provides various rewards, including increased job options and personal improvement. You can obtain financing to pursue your academic and professional objectives by utilizing the appropriate resources and drafting a compelling application. Remember that the secret to success is rigorous preparation, strategic study, and a genuine desire to learn and grow.
What specific aims do you intend to attain by pursuing a master’s degree abroad? Share your thoughts, and let’s continue the conversation!



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