Looking to Japa? Here’s the Best Country for Nigerian Migrants

best country to migrate to from nigeria
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Are you dreaming of a better future beyond Nigeria’s borders? With soaring unemployment rates and limited opportunities at home, many Nigerians are seeking greener pastures abroad. Migration is a personal choice driven by the quest for a better life. For many Nigerians, this means seeking opportunities abroad where economic stability, advanced education, and a higher standard of living are within reach. In this article, I am going to list the best 9 countries to migrate to from Nigeria, why people migrate, and what to do before migrating. 

Key Points

  • Nigerians migrate primarily for better job opportunities, advanced education, improved security and healthcare, relief from discrimination and disharmony, and to escape environmental factors like natural disasters and poverty. Each of these reasons highlights the pursuit of a higher quality of life and stable living conditions abroad.
  • The top countries for Nigerians to migrate to include Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Switzerland, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Sweden, and Canada. These countries offer favorable immigration policies, robust economies, and diverse opportunities for skilled workers, students, and professionals from Nigeria.
  • Each country has specific visa categories and immigration procedures. For example, Australia offers multiple visa subclasses for skilled migrants, Germany requires language proficiency for students, and Canada has a straightforward Express Entry program for skilled workers. It’s essential for potential migrants to understand and follow these procedures for a successful relocation.

Why Do People Migrate?

The reason people migrate is more of a personal decision. There are alot of reasons why an individual can decide to migrate from Nigeria to other countries. Generally, the top five reasons include:

#1. Better Job Opportunities

The top reasons for migration of all time are the job opportunities abroad to improve the standard of living in all aspects. Nigeria, at this point, has a larger number of unemployed than employed. The issue here isn’t a lack of manpower or skilled individuals; there are simply no job opportunities. That’s why the majority of people leaving Nigeria are leaving for better employment opportunities outside the country. The picture of finding jobs/decent compensation for it could be different and can vary widely at different locations; in this scenario, people seek migration as a way to cope with unemployment and poverty. 

#2. Education

This is one of the top reasons why people migrate from Nigeria to other countries. With increasing career options and facilities, especially specialized courses apart from degree courses, the interest and craze for studying abroad have rapidly grown. They mostly go out there to further their education due to high-quality educational system. Some travel for their masters, PHD or even diplomas. 

One of the possible reasons is the accessibility of the education programs and efficient and easy movement consoled by the education schemes and job opportunities providers. The processes became easy due to the transparent knowledge and information about the possibilities, including offers such as scholarship programs.

#3. For security, safety, and Safety Healthcare

Now, another very well-known reason for migration is security and safety. It is hard to survive in a place where someone’s basic rights are violated continuously; in that case, people are left with no options but to migrate. Effective healthcare services are still a challenge for many developing countries; in this scenario, people seek migration to ensure their effective healthcare. The cost of essential healthcare services also affects the reason for migration, along with the environmental conditions. People can also move to different countries as a result of war and conflict happening in their state and to protect the basic human rights being abused. 

#4. Discrimination and Disharmony

This usually becomes a reason for people in the LGBTQ community. They mostly migrate to other countries where their choices are respected and gay marriage is legal, breaking the laws of their resident country. Violating minority rights has been a common practice globally. People always prefer migrating from places/countries to places where they can live in harmony in a world of diversity. People move towards a country where the majority of their class lives or where the environment is peaceful and harmonious.

#5. Environmental Factors: Natural Disasters and Climate

This might not be a major reason for Nigerians but let’s not forget that poverty can be considered a natural disaster. The whole idea behind this is to be able to live a comfortable life. Poverty is the most common reason for migration, especially in Nigeria. People move to different countries to have a decent livelihood and access to proper education and food for their families.

Environmental degradations is the most practical possible reasons for migration. Due to climate change and frequent natural disasters, people seek migration to secure a safe life and a place to live without unpredictable accidents. Climate changes include increasing pollution globally and the heat of extremely diverse weather.

9 Best Countries to Migrate to From Nigeria

The following are the 7 best countries to migrate to from Nigeria:


#1. Australia 

It is one of the best countries to migrate to from Nigeria because it has one of the best immigration routes for skilled human capital in the world, especially for Nigerians, because of their yearly rate increase of 11.8%. Presently, they are accepting Nigerians with permanent residency in over 350 occupations. They also accept working visas, working holiday visas and student visas. The interesting thing about Australia is that its official language is English, making it easier for Nigerians to settle there.

However, you need to keep in mind the distance and lower population density compared to Nigeria. If you are looking for a developer counter that seems to be entirely recession-proof, Australia is the best option. Australia has different visas for people who have permanent residency. These visas are categorised as follows: 189,190 and 491 Australian Visa subclasses. The 189 and 190 Australian permanent residency visa classes allow holders and their immediate families to:

  • Live and work in Australia, enter and leave the country as they choose without the need for further visas, access medicare (Australia’s world-class medical system), education for children, own properties, and best of all, holder’s of the 189 and 190 visa classes migrating to Australia from Nigeria can convert their permanent residency visas to full Australian citizenship.
  • Take note that it might take about a year

#2. Germany

Germany has the largest national economy in Europe, the fourth largest by nominal GDP in the world and fifth by GDP. Due to its flourishing economy, expanding labour market, and government’s sensitivity to welcome immigrants, Germany has placed itself among the community of nations with one of the best immigration policies favourable to Nigerians. Germany offers a number of job opportunities across various industries,  including machinery, chemicals, electronics, and manufacturing.

Though the process is not easy, becoming a student in Germany offers a straightforward process of migrating to the country. Before you decide to study in Germany, you need to consider whether you will study in English or German because you will have to provide your language proficiency test. 


Take the following steps if you want to study in Germany:

  • The first thing to do is to consider a program that will help you achieve your goals. There are a variety of universities and programmes in Germany. So to avoid confusion, you need to pick one.
  • The next step is to make an application. Making this application should come after you have decided which language to study. You need to provide proof of your proficiency. You can decide to take the institute’s proficiency test if you don’t have proof to apply.
  • If you are outside the Schengen area, you will need to apply for a student visa. All you need to do is get in touch with the German consulate and its embassy in your resident country. You will be asked to submit required documents during the process and also attend an interview to discuss why you chose Germany. 
  • You will need to find somewhere to live before you get into Germany; there are lots of websites you can use to find property or housemates. Some institutions might offer support with this.
  • Once your visa is ready, you will be ready to travel to Germany and start your course. 

#3. New Zealand

Are you looking for a long-term immigration destination as a Nigerian? Consider New Zealand. One thing that keeps drawing Nigerians to New Zealand is their quality of nature, secure environment, and strong economy. Some visas, such as those for qualified Nigerian migrants, grant immediate permanent residence but there are conditions to be met to ensure that your journey is not interrupted. There are many options for migrating from Nigeria to New Zealand. Some of these options include:

  • Business migration from Nigeria to New Zealand 
  • Nigerian citizen migrating to New Zealand on partner visa
  • Immigrants to New Zealand from Nigeria are skilled migrants.

New Zealand has the most ambitious skilled migration programs with generous permanent residency programs to address worker shortage gaps in their labour force. 

#4. Switzerland 

One thing about Switzerland is that migration to the country is not easy. But Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, with top-notch living standards. Those with best chances of being granted a permit to work and live in Switzerland include managers, specialists and other highly qualified people, meaning those with university degrees and professional experience. Applicants may also be required to know one their official languages which include German, French and Italian.

Student visas are one of the most popular ways to migrate to Switzerland because they offer low tuition fees at bachelor, masters, and doctoral degree levels. As a Nigerian international student looking to study in In Switzerland, you will need to apply for a student visa. If your course will take less than 90 days, you will need a short-term Schengen C visa, while for courses lasting more than 90 days, a national ID visa and a residence permit will be required for travel, and you will be required to provide the following documents:

  • There are three visa type D application forms which must be filled and signed properly 
  • International passport
  • Passport photographs
  • Financial evidence 
  • Original confirmation of course tuition fee paid
  • Original confirmation of enrolment at a recognised Swiss educational institution 
  • Previous educational certificates and diplomas 
  • Evidence of language proficiency 

Processing usually takes 8–12 weeks from the date of your application acceptance. 

#5. Singapore

The country has a strong economy, a low cost of living, a high quality of life and has always maintained an open-door policy toward migrants. Its fast-paced, culturally diverse economy is filled with vibrant businesses and opportunities. Singalong is attracting technologies and investments from all over the world, which means that it requires professionals who can handle these technologies.

So even in a constricted immigration environment, Singapore will need to go beyond its borders to look for experienced and qualified professionals, including Nigerians. 

The following list of jobs is accessible by Nigerians:

  • Engineering jobs
  • Hospitality jobs
  • The health sector
  • Teaching jobs
  • Makrjetubg and sales jobs
  • Agricultural sector
  • Construction jobs

As a Nigerian, there are two options to consider if you want to migrate to Singapore. Either you take the direct employment approach or the study-to-stay approach. 

How apply for Direct Employment Approach 

The requirements include:

  • Evidence of basic travel allowance
  • Evidence of flight booking
  • Evidence of a health care clearance certificate 
  • Original job offer from company in Singapore 
  • Photocopies of company business registration 
  • photocopy of the data page of your passport
  • Two recently acquired passport-sized photographs with white background 
  • Your international passport with more than 6 months validity 

How To apply for study to stay approach

If you want to use this system, ensure you get the right education action that will enable you to secure employment after school. Singapore system allows international students to study and work, provided it is done in the right way. The procedures include:

  • Commencing the processing rights from your current country of residence
  • Search for an accredited Singapore institute of Higher learning 
  • Process an admission to university in Singapore 
  • Obtain acceptance of an offer of admission from the university 
  • Pay the required fees
  • Process and obtain an academic visa to study in Singapore 
  • Study and obtain a degree in your area of specialization

#6. United Kingdom 

The United Kingdom is another country Nigerians can migrate to, as it gives international students the opportunity to work in the country after studying. Nigerians in search of greener pastures can utilize this opportunity.

Information regarding this opportunity was announced by British authorities. In their statement, they stated that they have recently opened the new graduate route for international students, including Nigerians, to apply from July 1, 2021. This new Graduate Route will enable the UK to retain the brightest and best international students to continue to contribute to society and the economy after their studies. Students on the graduate route will be able to work or look for work after their studies for a maximum period of 2 years, or 3 years for doctoral students.

#7. Iceland

Apart from issuing visiting or tourist visas and business visas, foreign nationals like Nigeria can only immigrate, live and work in Iceland in one of three ways:

  • marry an Icelander,
  • attend a university in Iceland (if you are accepted into a university in Iceland, you may be granted a residence permit and a limited work permit); or
  • secure a work permit for a job in Iceland (unfortunately, it’s not easy to get a job in Iceland; however, for foreign nationals like Nigerians to secure a job, you must have certain specialized work skills, like computer programming and software development).

An Icelandic employer who is interested in offering a Nigerian a job opportunity has to show that the job can’t be filled by an Icelander or an EEA citizen and the employer must sign your work contract before you move to Iceland. If you meet the requirements for immigrating to Iceland, the first step is obtaining and submitting the application form for a residence permit, together with all necessary supporting documentation.

The Icelandic economy continues to boom, and the robust growth is also an indication that the economic upswing, which began when the growth of tourism helped Iceland exit the recession caused by the 2008 financial crash, will continue for a few more years, attracting more foreign nationals, including Nigerians. The Icelandic work visa for Nigerians offers opportunities in the tourism industry, teaching English, construction work, nursing jobs,destinations, and so many other countless options. 

#8. Sweden

Sweden is known for its comparatively open immigration policy and is one of the most popular refugee destinations, welcoming up to 190,000 immigrants annually. By any measure, Sweden is one of the world’s most innovative nations, and it has been called the most digitally connected economy. Sweden has been ranked as the world’s best country for immigrants, ahead of Canada and Switzerland. 

Sweden’s enviable living standards result from an economy that performs optimally because of regulatory efficiency and open-market policies that enhance flexibility, competitiveness, and large flows of trade and investment. Generations of innovativeness have led to a long list of world-changing inventions like the three-point seatbelt, the pacemaker, the adjustable wrench, and safety matches. The Swedish government invests a higher proportion of GDP in R&D than most other nations and this creates a fertile environment for foreign immigrants such as Nigerians in their teeming economies.

#9. Canada

Due to its large mass of land and shortage of skilled workers, Canada is one of the most developed countries with the most straightforward immigration process. Because you have to prove that you have some money in the bank and write some exams, it might not be so cheap, but in the end, it’s not a difficult process. 

If you’re a skilled person with certifications who doesn’t mind going through simple processes, you should check out Canada’s skilled worker’s express entry program. It’s what everyone is doing. But don’t forget, you can also move to Canada as a student, get a job when you’re done with school and then apply for permanent residence.

As crazy as it sounds, Canada is one of the easiest countries to migrate to from Nigeria. Canada is a friendly and multicultural country known for its safety and strong economy. They have a program called Express Entry that makes it easier for skilled workers to immigrate. Nigerians choosing Canada can expect a high quality of life with good infrastructure and diverse communities.

Factors to Consider Before Migrating to Other Countries From Nigeria

Whether you are migrating for work, school, or personal reasons, moving to a new country requires careful preparation and planning. The five things listed below are to be considered by anyone migrating, no matter the reason for migration.

#1. Ask Questions 

You can’t just wake up and decide to go to a country without doing proper research of the country. You have to seek answers to lots of questions concerning the Job market, cost of living, cultural differences and quality of life. There are various opportunities different countries can offer you but your choice of country depends on your goals and aspirations. It is also useful to connect with Nigerians also residing in your chosen destination in case you need directions or help with something. Reconnecting them will make your migration smoother and less stressful. 

When I visited to Canada from Nigeria for the first time, I initially felt excited but soon faced loneliness and isolation. Struggling to survive my new life, I met loveth, a fellow Nigerian who had been in Canada for a few years. Loveth warmly welcomed me, showed me where to find African stores, introduced me to the local Nigerian community, and helped me navigate the job market.

With her guidance, I secured my first job and learned how to adjust to Canadian culture and winters. Loveth’s support turned my daunting move into a positive experience, highlighting the importance of community and kindness in easing the transition for new immigrants.

#2. Make Sure Your Pocket Has What It Take

Financial independence is one of the most important things to achieve before travelling. You shouldn’t travel if you haven’t reached this level. You should do careful financial planning by creating a budget to estimate your monthly expenses, including accommodation, transportation, healthcare, and daily living costs. 

Another thing to consider are options for transferring money securely and cost-effectively abroad. Make sure you save enough funds to cover initial expenses while you settle down and search for employment opportunities. 

#3. Check and Cross-Check All Necessary Documents

I will keep saying that travelling outside the country shouldn’t be something you rush over, especially if you are travelling on a long-term trip. It requires proper preparation to avoid mistakes and errors during documentation. Ensure that your passport is up to date and check the visa requirements of your chosen destination. Have as many copies of your documents as possible and ensure that all necessary permits or certifications are needed to work or study there. Also, obtain authenticated copies of these documents. 

#4. Be Open Minded to Learn and Unlearn

Moving to a new country also involves getting exposed to new beliefs and cultures. You have to be open-minded enough to know that everybody’s culture and beliefs can’t be the same and even that must be respected. Try to get used to their basic phrases and greetings in their local language to facilitate communication and build relationships. If you don’t understand their culture, you may find it hard to fit into society, so before relocating, do well to understand their way of life. Being open-minded and adaptable will enhance your overall experience and enable you to forge meaningful connections with people from diverse backgrounds. 

#5. Get Yourself the Necessary Emotional and Social Support Network

Leaving behind family territory can be emotionally challenging. Imagine going to a new land with no friends, no family, and no social network whatsoever. You know, being an introvert myself, I thought I wasn’t going to feel it but to be very honest, travelling outside with no friend or family is on another level of loneliness. I’m not just an introvert; I also find it difficult to socialise. So imagine going to a new country with no friends; you are always inside and you also find it difficult to make new ones. The first few months were extremely boring; at some point, I even considered coming back to Nigeria. 

So before you go, it is important to establish a support system to stay connected with family and friends through regular communication, video calls, or social media. Networking with professionals in your industry and attending relevant events can also help expand your professional contacts and increase your chances of finding opportunities in your new home. It will be hard at first, but building a strong support system will provide emotional support, guidance, and a sense of belonging during transition. 

What Are the Push Factors for Leaving Nigeria?

The main driving factors for Nigerian emigration are the socio-economic conditions in the country, coupled with unemployment rates. 51% of Nigerian migrants have tertiary education. Of the 72,000 doctors registered with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN), more than half practice outside the country.

Is Migration Good or Bad?

Migration can have positive and negative impacts on both host and origin countries. Migration can lead to increased cultural diversity in a host country. Migrants may experience forms of segregation, discrimination, or cultural clashes. Assimilation occurs over time as migrants settle in their host country.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Immigration?

Immigration can provide substantial economic benefits, including a more flexible labour market, a greater skills base, increased demand, and a greater diversity of innovation. However, immigration is also controversial. It is argued that immigration can cause issues of overcrowding, congestion, and extra pressure on public services.


Embarking on a journey to a new country is an exciting yet life-changing decision and by considering these five important factors, you can ensure a smooth transition to your destination of choice. Also, don’t forget the unspoken rule of sworn secrecy just before you leave. You don’t want your village people to board the same flight as you.

Remember, the Japa experience is an opportunity for personal growth, learning, and exploration. With proper preparation and a positive mindset, you can make the most of your journey and create a fulfilling life abroad.



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